Finding Hope Ministries

Because we care

VBS in Dalas

July has been quite a busy month here at Finding Hope Ministries. We have had several volunteers stay with us from around the world and we will continue to have more for the next few weeks. We said goodbye to Natalie Woods this week and in the last week we welcomed Marie from Belgium and Emily from the USA. Monday to Wednesday of this week, the volunteers, the kids and Anca and Nathan all went to the village of Dalas to help put on a vacation Bible school.

We taught about the creation of the world, the woman at the well and Nicodemus’s encounter with Jesus. The kids played sports with the adults and other children and Brenda provided lots crafts for the kids to help them remember the Bible lessons.

The children ended the VBS week with a trip to the bowling alley and a dinner of pizza. It was a great time investing in the gypsy village and spreading the gospel with a people group that so desperately needs to know they are loved and valued. We continue to enjoy our summer break.

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